Influences of Low Back Pain on Trunk Momentum During Sit-to-stand in Lower Limb Prosthesis Users
Therese E. Parr, BS
This research study focused on the correlation of low back pain and trunk momentum development during sit to stand tasks in lower limb prosthesis users. Increased trunk momentum may be linked to low back pain in persons with lower limb amputation. Findings may help guide movement retraining and assistive device prescriptions.
Rethinking Hip Strength in Lower Limb Prosthesis Users
Stefania Fatone, PhD, BPO (Hons)
The objective of this study was to test if hip strength, estimated by peak isometric torque normalized to body mass x thigh length, differed between residual and intact limbs of lower limb prosthesis users, as well as age- and sex-matched controls.
Self-reported Annual Falls in Lower Limb Prosthesis Users and Estimating Falls from Shorter Recall Periods
Elizabeth G. Halsne, PhD, CPO
The goals of this study were to determine self-reported fall rates in a large, national sample of LLP users and then compare estimates of falls over 12-months based on data from shorter periods. A secondary objective was to assess the accuracy of categorizing participants as fallers or non-fallers based on extrapolations of data from shorter recall periods compared to their status at 12-month.